18 - Generating Gold

Currently, in your game, the player starts with a limited amount of gold that they can spend to build Turrets. Unfortunately, the player has no way to generate additional resources. Next, you will create a new type of building that the player can place that will generate Gold for them over time.

Practice: Create a GoldGenerator Prefab

  • Create a new GameObject to represent your GoldGenerator building
  • Add a model (or multiple models) as children objects to the GoldGenerator
  • Feel free to use any model you would like! In this document, I will combine two of the Kenney models together.
  • If necessary, adjust the models positions within the parent object to fit nicely on a tile
  • Convert your object into a Prefab

When you are finished, you should have a GoldGenerator Prefab that you can place on any tile in your game scene:

Practice: GoldGenerator MonoBehaviour

  • Create a new MonoBehaviour called GoldGenerator
  • Add a float Delay property which represents how often it will generate gold
  • Add an int Gold property which represents how much gold is generated
  • Add a GoldGenertor component to your GoldGenerator prefab
  • In the Inspector set Delay to 2 and Gold to 1

When you've finished your prefab should look similar to the image below:


Referencing the PlayerController

To be able to update the player's gold, the GoldGenerator requires a reference to the PlayerController. You will not be able to set this in the Prefab because the PlayerController does not exist here. One way you can acquire a reference to it without the need to set it in the Inspector is to assume that the PlayerController will be a parent of the GoldGenerator. Then, use GetComponentInParent to set the reference.

  • Add a PlayerController Controller property to your GoldGenerator
  • Add an Awake() method
  • In Awake() use GetComponentInParent<PlayerController>() to assign Controller


Testing the PlayerController Reference

  • Add a GoldGenerator to your game scene as a child of the PlayerController
  • Enter Play Mode
  • Observe that the PlayerController property is set when the game starts

Challenge: GenerateGold Method

  • Review how you used InvokeRepeating and CancelInvoke to spawn enemies into your game
  • Add a GenerateGold() method to your GoldGenerator MonoBehaviour
  • Use InvokeRepeating to cause GenerateGold() to execute every Delay seconds
  • Don't forget to use CancelInvoke when the GoldGenerator is disabled
  • Enter Play Mode to test that your Gold is now increasing

When you're finished, your game should look similar to the video below:

Spawning GoldGenerators

The TurretSpawner you created previously does almost everything you need to be able to spawn GoldGenerators into your game.

  • Select your TurretSpawner in the Hierarchy
  • In the Inspector change the Turret Prefab property to your GoldGenerator prefab
  • Enter Play Mode and place a GoldGenerator
  • Observe the error that occurs

Setting the Parent Transform

If you investigate the error, you will find that the newly spawned GoldGenerator does not have a PlayerController. This is because the object is being instantiated without a parent.

The Instatiate method has several overloaded versions that allow you to specify additional information about how to create the specified GameObject. One version allows you to specify the parent object: Instantiate(GameObject, Transform)

  • Update TurretSpawner.SpawnTurret to set the parent of the object of the turret to be the PlayerController's transform when it is spawned. (Controller.transform)
  • Enter Play Mode to test that you are able to spawn your Gold Generators
    When you are finished, your game should look and act similar to the video below:

Changing the Prefab

Currently, you only have a single Build button that enables the TurretSpawner game which knows references your GoldGenerator prefab. Next, you will update the Build button to set the prefab.

  • Update your TurretSpawner.TurretPrefab field to have a public setter
  • Select the Button in the Hierarchy
  • In the Inspector add a listener to the On Click event
  • Set the TurretSpawner as the listening object
  • Select the TurretSpanwer.TurretPrefab property
  • Set the GameObject to be your Turret prefab

  • Enter Play Mode and test that your TurretSpawner field is changed when the button is clicked. This results in the player being able to spawn Turrets (rather than GoldGenerators)

Challenge: Create a Generator Button

Currently, your player is only capable of building Turrets when they click the Build button. Can you add another button that allows them to create generators?

  • Add a button to your Canvas
  • The button should be labeled "Generator"
  • Use Pivots and Anchors to set the buttons position relative to the screen
  • When the button is clicked, the player should be able to place generators
  • Enter Play Mode to test that both of your buttons works

When you have finished, your game should look and act similar to the video below:

What's Next?

Although it is now possible to spawn different types of buildings/turrets, you are not able to easily change the cost (the gold cost of 50 is hard coded). Additionally, the user hints could be more descriptive based on the type of building you want to place. In the next lesson, you will create a ScriptableObject building type that will allow you to quickly and easily create new building types and easily add them to your player's UI.