03 - Creating Additional Tile Prefabs

Before you can design your first level, you will need to create a few more Prefabs that will be used on your Grid in place of the empty Tile.


The mini-lecture below provides a high level overview of what you'll learn in this section. Watch the video and take notes. Then, complete the lesson below to apply the concepts from the video.

Warning: It is not recommended to work along side the video as the content is not identical to the lesson.

Path Tile Prefab

Start by changing the Mesh of a Tile in your scene to use the tile-dirt mesh.

  • Select a Tile in your Scene
  • Change the Mesh property of the selected tile to tile-dirt


This Game Object will be the basis for a **Path Tile Prefab.

  • Select the modified Tile in the Inspector
  • Unpack Completely so it is no longer attached to the Tile Prefab
  • Rename the Game Object. (I recommend calling it Path Tile)


  • Drag the Path Tile into your Prefabs folder to change it to a new Prefab


Practice: Create More Tile Prefabs

Practice unpacking and creating a few more prefabs

  • Create a Tree Tile using the tile-tree mesh
  • Create a Rock Tile using the tile-rock mesh
  • Create a Crystal Tile using the tile-crystal mesh

When you have finished, you should have 5 Tile Prefabs that look similar to the ones picture in the image below.


Replacing a Prefab

It is possible to swap out a Prefab for another quickly in the Hierarchy by right clicking on Prefab and selecting Prefab > Replace.

  • Select a Tile you would like to change to a Path Tile
  • Right click on it in the Inspector
  • Select Prefab > Replace
  • Search for and select the Path Tile prefab


You can also replace a Prefab from the Inspector.

  • Select a Tile you would like to be a path
  • In the Inspector click the circle next to the Prefab value
  • Search for and select the Path Tile Prefab


Changing a Prefab from the Inspector is particularly useful if you would like to change several Game Objects at the same time.

  • Select several Tiles that you would like to be a path
    • Hold Ctrl/Command while clicking in the Scene to add or remove a game object to your selection.
  • In the Inspector click the circle next to the Multiple value
    • Note: The Prefab word changes to Multiple if you have several objects selected
  • Search for and select the Path Tile Prefab


Challenge: Design a Map

With everything you've learned so far, it is now time to design a map for your first level!

  • Your tile grid should be 15x15
    • Note: Odd length sides will result in a "center" tile
  • Your level should use at least 5 different types of tiles
  • Your level should have one continuous path from the edge of the map to an "end" location, eventually your Player's tower will be placed here.
  • Bonus: Share a screenshot of your Map with a friend!

When you're finished, your map might look something like the image below:

Example Finished Map.png

What's Next

With a tile grid designed for your game, you are ready to set up the player's view. In the next section, you will configure your editor's Play Mode to optimize your design experience.