01 - Creating the Project

Create the Project

Before starting, you will need to create a new Unity 6 project. The picture below shows the settings you should select when creating the project.

  • Ensure the editor version begins with 6000.0.
  • Ensure you are using the Universal 3D Core template
    • (DO NOT USE High Definition 3D you will not be able to publish your project if you choose this setting)
  • Name your project (I recommend naming it Tower Defense)
  • You do not need to connect to Unity Cloud or Unity Version Control you can unselect these options.

After selecting Create project you should see the Unity Engine window (similar to the one below). The first time you initialize a project, it may take several minutes depending on the speed of your computer.


If all went well, you should see the default Unity project displayed. It should be similar to the image below:


If something doesn't look quite right, you may want to set the Layout to the default view. For the majority of this course, the screenshot will be using the default layout.

You can set the default layout from the top menu: Windows > Layouts > Default


Create a Tower Defense Scene

Before continuing, be sure to create a new Tower Defense Scene for your project. If you use the default Sample Scene there is a slight chance that it could be overwritten during an import of library / challenge project.

  • In the Project View, navigate to Assets > Scenes


  • Right click in the Project View
  • Select Create > Scene > Scene


  • Rename your new Scene (I recommend "TowerDefenseScene")


  • Double click to open your new Scene
  • Delete the original SampleScene to prevent yourself from accidentally using it.


What's Next

With your Tower Defense Scene created, you're ready to design your map. In the next section, you create a Tile Grid that will be used to create your map